Sunday, February 20, 2011


Hello, my faithful readers!

I am so sorry for the long wait on the next update. I'm actually taking a fan fic hiatus at the moment, for I have finally obtained a job (one that consists of a lot of take home work)! I am also still working very seriously on my original stories.

Hopefully, things will smooth out soon, and I will be able to pick up on fan fiction writing again as soon as possible.

I know there are some of you that are mad at me that I take a long time updating, and I think maybe a lot of you think that I'm just a young kid that has nothing to worry about but school, homework, and boys.

That's not the case. In fact, I am nearly 23, and - as much as I love writing all the time - providing for myself must come first. I'm afraid that I simply can't live on the love and praise of my reviewers alone, as much as I would love to.

I have no intention of abandoning my fan fictioning life... it just may take a back seat for a little bit at a time.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding!

Vanessa M. Smith

Now playing: Red - Pieces
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

  1. thanks for giving us fans a heads up on your plans for you fics. i definaltey understand that RL is more important take all the time in the world you need but come back :) tigeress
